Abuse To Children
Child abuse takes place in homes, schools, workplaces, institutions and public areas. Among child abuses sexual abuses are difficult to assess because of the sense of shame they create and the risks children face in reporting them. In child beating Bangladesh is in the top position in the world and physical punishment starts in their homes. The main reason for violence against children could be the conflict of interest and power between adults and children. Parents often hit their children out of anger and frustration, as they have no idea about the adverse impact of physical punishment. Among school-going children, 91% reported that it takes place at their schools. The majority of teachers believe that physical punishment is the best means of discipline and they are not aware about the negative impact of physical punishment. About two-thirds of teachers, both male and female, punish students physically. Teachers hit them with a stick or belt or other object; kicking, shaking, or throwing children; scratching, pinching or pulling their hair; and locking or tying them
up are some of the most common examples of physical punishment and twisted their ears. A child who is constantly exposed to physical punishment faces a risk of losing his/her self-confidence and self-esteem, and as a result may develop negative personality traits such as being excessively aggressive. Sometimes the female students become victim of sexual behavior from their male teachers. The students from rich and masterminded families find low punishment or find no punishment. Some teachers who are involved with private tuitions punish only those students who do not involve with private tuitions. Physical punishment is slightly more common in primary schools than in madrasas and less common in NGO schools.
Among those who were working, one-quarter reported that physical punishment occurs in their workplaces. The employers often tortured physically and sexually abuse the child workers. Sometimes the employers do not pay their wages or pay very less. The employers beat mercilessly the workers in the pretext of theft or when something is broken carelessly by them.